
Shorebird conservation and research awards given to ICFC team members!

August 16, 2024 — At the conference of the Western Hemispherica Shorebird Group in Sackville, New Brunswick, the Allan Baker Lifetime Achievement Award for Shorebird Conservation was given to Patricia M. Gonzalez, Shorebird Program Coordinator at ICFC (shown holding the plate in the left image).

The late Allan Baker... Read more

Ripple Africa founders honoured with MBE

U.K., June 14, 2024 — ICFC sends hearty congratulations to the founders of Ripple Africa, Liz and Geoff Furber, on being appointed Members of the Order of the British Empire.

Ripple Africa is ICFC&rsquo... Read more

David Attenborough endorses YAPPENDA in Papua, Indonesia

U.K., June 12, 2024 — The renowned naturalist and broadcaster Sir David Attenborough has penned an endorsement of the Indonesian NGO YAPPENDA, recognizing the importance of its mission to conserve the rich and unique biodiversity of the Indonesian portion of the... Read more

School fundraiser for ICFC a success!

June 12, 2024, Nepean, Ontario — A closing ceremony at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School marked the happy conclusion of an entrepreneurial exercise by grade 5 students from which the entire profits were donated to ICFC.  ICFC founders Anne Lambert and Tom Welch attended the ceremony to accept the cheque and... Read more

ICFC Welcomes our new CEO!

We are delighted to welcome Barnabe Geis as our new CEO! Barnabe comes from the cleantech and climate tech world, and the major motivation behind this work has been his love of nature and desire to ensure its preservation and restoration. He has grown many impact-focused initiatives, and we'... Read more

Dr. Paul Hebert receives Benjamin Franklin Medal for revolutionary work

Dr. Paul Hebert receives Benjamin Franklin Medal for revolutionary work

Note from ICFC: A key early collaborator of Paul Hebert was Dan Janzen and the Guanacaste Dry Forest Conservation Fund, in barcoding Lepidoptera and other taxa at Area de Conservaión Guanacate (ACG) in Costa Rica (see Read more

Echidna species “lost to science” rediscovered in Papua, Indonesia by ICFC’s partner YAPPENDA

November 10, 2023 — It lives!  An expedition to a remote region of the island of New Guinea has rediscovered a “lost” and little-known species of echidna (a group also known as spiny anteaters). 

The last record of Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus attenboroughi)... Read more

Second Global Amphibian Assessment finds two of five species threatened with extinction

The second Global Amphibian Assessment, reported this month in the journal Nature, has found that 40.7% of amphibians are globally threatened, compared to 39.4% in 2004 when the first... Read more

South American Nations Convene in Brazil at the Amazon Dialogues

Summit highlights the importance of Indigenous peoples, local communities, global finance, and technical capacity

by Matthew Aruch, PhD

August 14, 2023 — Last week (August 8-10) the eight countries (Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela) of the Amazon Conservation... Read more

Barbara Zimmerman appointed Officer of the Order of Canada

December 29, 2022 — Conservationist Barbara Zimmerman has been appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada in appointments announced today by the office of Canada's Governor General.

Barbara is Director of the Kayapo Project, a ground-breaking... Read more

ICFC reaction to COP15 outcomes

Media release: for immediate release

COP15 outcome: The world gets serious in tackling global biodiversity loss

December 19, 2022, Montreal, Canada – While much attention has been on the goal of protecting 30% of land and marine areas of the planet by 2030, which was accepted in Sunday night’s... Read more

ICFC welcomes Canada’s new commitment for biodiversity conservation in developing countries

ICFC welcomes Canada’s new commitment for biodiversity conservation in developing countries

December 7, 2022 – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced yesterday that Canada will provide an additional $350 million to help developing countries protect their large share of... Read more

Globe and Mail covers ICFC’s Protecting Our Planet Challenge pledge

November 8, 2021-- The Globe and Mail's science reporter Ivan Semeniuk did an excellent new story on ICFC's Protecting Our Planet Challenge pledge, adding background and context.  ICFC has pledged $100 million for biodiversity aid over... Read more

ICFC Pledges $100 million as part of the ‘Protecting Our Planet Challenge’

The Kayapo have an uphill battle to protect their Indigenous Territories in the Brazilian Amazon. (Photo by Martin Schoeller)

The International Conservation Fund of Canada Pledges $100 million as part of the New ‘Protecting... Read more

Canada doubles its international climate finance at G7

June 13, 2021-- ICFC welcomes the Prime Minister’s announcement at the G7 that Canada will double its international climate finance, to $5.3 billion over five years.  While considerably less than we had recommended in Read more

A Kayapo chief speaks out to Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro


A Kayapo chief speaks out to Brazil's president

NOVO PROGRESSO, BRAZIL, April 22, 2021 – A video of a defiant speech proclaiming the determination of the Kayapo Indigenous people to... Read more

Book review: How to Avoid a Climate Catastrophe by Bill Gates

Book Review 

How to Avoid a Climate Catastrophe: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need.  by Bill Gates, 2021, Knopf. 257 pp.

Reviewed by Anne Lambert, April 22, 2021

I don’t expect a non-fiction book to be a page-turner, but this one was. ... Read more

One Planet Summit signals increased attention to biodiversity loss

January 14, 2021 -- At a One Planet Summit held this week, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People has now been joined by 50 countries.  The Coalition, which includes Canada, was launched in 2019... Read more

Sayam Chowdhury wins Gates Cambridge Scholarship

December 28, 2020 — The Coordinator of ICFC's Spoon-billed Sandpiper Project, Sayam Chowdhury, has won a prestigious Gates Cambridge Scholarship. Established in 2000 with funding from the... Read more

Opinion: What Canada needs to do to be a leader on biodiversity—and why

Opinion What Canada needs to do to be a leader on biodiversity—and why

by Anne Lambert

Is Canada doing its part “at home and abroad” as Canada’s environment minister said we will at last week’s UN Summit... Read more

DNA barcoding, developed in Canada, explored by Guardian newspaper

October 7, 2020 — An article in today’s Guardian newspaper looks at pioneering work done at the University of Guelph and at Costa Rica’s Area de Conservación Guanacaste, where scientific data is collected... Read more

ICFC releases report: Canada must ramp up international conservation aid

September 17, 2020 — For over a decade Canada has badly lagged other OECD countries in providing aid to developing countries to help them conserve their large share of the world's biodiversity.  A report released today by the International Conservation Fund of Canada (ICFC) compared biodiversity-related bilateral official development... Read more

Major report finds limited progress on biodiversity conservation

Sepember 15, 2020—The Global Biodiversity Outlook report issued this week by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) presents grim findings.  While progress has been made in some areas, biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, threats to nature are intensifying, and none of the targets the CBD set... Read more

Paiakan: A great Kayapo leader succumbs to coronavirus

June 16, 2020 — Paiakan was born in the 1950s in the historic village of Kubenkranken during the early era of Kayapo contact with non-indigenous society. Paiakan had a brilliant mind. He learned the Brazilian national language of Portuguese, likely effortlessly, and set out to explore and understand the new world... Read more

Opinion: Why Canadians should act globally to save biodiversity

February 3, 2020 -- An opinion piece by ICFC founder Anne Lambert was posted to the News page of The National Environmental Treasure (NET).  NET is a “people’s trust fund” devoted... Read more

Natural Climate Solutions for Canada: an overview by ICFC

January 23, 2020 -- ICFC has prepared a brief overview of natural climate solutions for Canada as we wanted to understand what is needed here at home in relation to the global potential. We were unable... Read more

Why Canada should help save tropical rainforest: Op-ed by Anne Lambert

January 10, 2020 — An op-ed by ICFC co-founder Anne Lambert published in the Chronicle Herald newspaper argues that Canada should play a role in reducing tropical deforestation as this is vital to avoiding catastrophic climate change. A rapid... Read more

A Kayapó leader speaks out

January 6, 2020 — The Kayapó leader Raoni Metuktire has lived through through 24 administrations of the Brazilian government since first making contact in the early 1950s with the world outside his rainforest home.  President Bolsonaro has been the worst, at least for those who care about preserving the... Read more

Release of Green Budget Coalition 2020 recommendations

November 5, 2019 — The Green Budget Coalition – including ICFC – just released its detailed recommendations for the 2020 federal budget, focused on escalating action to counter climate change and biodiversity loss, plus sustainable agriculture, & toxics and pesticides.  Check them out at:  Read more

Opinion: forests, climate and Canada’s role internationally


Canada has been a laggard on one crucial area of climate action:  Here’s how we can become a leader

by Anne Lambert, Sept. 23, 2019

With the spotlight on the U.N. Climate Action Summit in New York, Canadians may feel... Read more

New $5 million fund for Amazon forest conservation

August 26, 2019 — Amid mounting international concern over increased fires and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, some are taking direct action.  A new Amazon Forest Fund was announced yesterday... Read more

Amazon focus of mounting concern

August 22, 2019 — Reduced protection of the Amazon by Brazil's Bolsonaro government has led to sharply higher deforestation rates in 2019 and a dramatic increase in forest fires, as reported by many news organziations including the BBC and the ... Read more

Financial Times reports from a Kayapo village

April 18, 2019 — The Kayapo will fiercely defend their Indigenous Territories from any movement by the new Brazilian government to open them up to development, as reported in a compelling story by the Financial Times. The... Read more

ICFC-supported marine protected area in Cambodia declared “Hope Spot”

April 1, 2019—The Kep Archipelago has been declared a Hope Spot by the international nonprofit Mission Blue in recognition of the impact that the conservation efforts of Marine Conservation Cambodia has had in preserving the area’s unique seagrass meadows and sensitive marine species.  MCC has been... Read more

Peru’s crackdown on illegal goldmining—and the connection to our work

February 21, 2019 — ICFC and our partner Amazon Conservation Association (ACA) can claim some of the credit for a crackdown on illegal goldmining that was initiated this week by the government of Peru. ICFC supports and played a role in... Read more

ICFC donors visit Cerro Chucantí, Panama

ICFC and Panamanian field partner ADOPTA led a donor expedition into ADOPTA's remote Cerro Chucantí reserve in the Darién region of Panamá in January. The trip offered participants an opportunity to experience and explore a remote montane/cloud forest habitat and its unique wildlife.... Read more

ICFC partner KTK-Belt’s “vertical university” featured by CNN

A CNN feature story describes how the crowd-funded Vertical University of ICFC's Nepalese partner KTK-Belt is empowering rural community members to study and conserve their natural environment.  "Vertical" because the education program spans six different climatic... Read more

Trip report, Bolivia, Sept. 2018

Travels in Bolivia  - Anne Lambert

In September we visited reserves in Bolivia run by our field partner Associación Armonía.  ICFC supported land acquisition for two reserves that protect the Critically Endangered blue-throated macaw; and at one of these – Barba... Read more

“Annihilation fishing”: Mongabay interviews Amanda Vincent

March 27, 2018 — Dr. Amanda Vincent explained the dire situation with what she refers to as "annihilation fishing" happening in parts of Asia and beyond in an interview with the conservation news site Mongabay.

ICFC helped to enable... Read more

ICFC’s Cambodia partner announces new marine protected area

Feb. 5, 2018 — On January 31st, the Kep Provincial government of Cambodia conducted the final meeting in an approval process for the creation of an 11,000-hectare Marine Fisheries Management Area under the Department of Fisheries Conservation. This now allows the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries, and Agriculture to formally recognize this... Read more

Peru protects over 2 million acres of pristine rainforest by creating Yaguas National Park

January 12, 2018 — Peru has a new national park that will safeguard 869,927 ha (2,147,164 acres) of forest in the highly biodiverse northern region of Loreto. Parque Nacional Yaguas also protects the ancesteral lands of indigenous people, who were... Read more

ICFC top ranked Canadian conservation charity by Financial Post

December 18, 2017 — ICFC was the top-ranked Canadian conservation charity in the Financial Post’s 2017 charity ratings.  Just 23 charities made the cut for FP’s “picks of Canada’s most efficient and accountable charities... Read more

Rediscovery of lost salamander at ICFC-supported reserve in Guatemala

December 8, 2017 — As reported by the Amphibian Survival Alliance a salamander species not seen since its discovery in 1975 has been unexpectedly rediscovered in Guatemala’s Cuchumatanes Mountain range. A guard at the Yal Unin Yul Witz Amphibian... Read more

ICFC signs on to “Nature Needs Half” movement

November 28, 2017 — “Be a part of the movement to save our planet’s diverse and beautiful wildlife and wild places, and give nature the space it needs to survive and thrive.”

With these words, ICFC was invited to sign on to the Nature Needs... Read more

New York Times story on Mali elephant anti-poaching unit

October 30, 2017 — The dramatic story of the success of Mali's anti-poaching brigade (which our Mali Elephant Project was involved in creating) in halting high levels of elephant poaching is told in a New York Times... Read more

ICFC goes to New York to receive the Equator Prize for the Mali Elephant Project

New York, September 17, 2017 -- The Mali Elephant Project, a joint project of ICFC and WILD Foundation, was among fifteen winners of the prestigious Equator Prize awarded in a gala ceremony in New York on Sunday, coinciding with the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly.

Organized by... Read more

Mali Elephant Project wins the prestigious Equator Prize!

June 30, 2017 — The Mali Elephant Project (MEP), a joint project of ICFC and WILD Foundation, is among the winners of the 2017 Equator Prize.  The UN Development Programme funded prize... Read more

MacLean’s Op-ed: Why global conservation is a Canadian responsibility

June 8, 2017 — The inspiring personal story behind an important conservation win in Panama was the subject of an op-ed piece by ICFC founding director Anne Lambert, in which she urged fellow Canadians to step up... Read more

Scott and Patricia’s Excellent Adventure in Patagonia

March 25, 2017 — Here is ICFC's Director of Bird Conservation's blog on his travels in Patagonia in December 2016:

Only when one flies in a Triple Seven from North America to South America does one fully appreciate what our long-distance migrants accomplish with only the force of... Read more

Whale shark death lamented in Cambodia

February 13, 2017 — The conservation impact of illegal fishing has again made news in Cambodia.   The Cambodia Daily carried a photo of a grinning fisherman astride an endangered whale shark before its fins were cut off and it was returned to the water.   The article quotes Paul... Read more

Tracking Mali’s desert elephants: a firsthand account

January 27, 2017 — Imagine tracking elephants through the arid region near Timbuktu with your senses primed not just for elephants but for poachers and Islamic militants.  In a recent blog Nigel Kuhn describes the experience in words and... Read more

Study warns of looming risk of primate extinctions

January 19, 2017  —  An in-depth review of the global status of primates (Science Advances, Jan. 18, 2017) has revealed that mankind’s closed relatives are in serious trouble.  The study found that about 75% of the 504 non-human... Read more

ICFC’s partner in marine conservation in Cambodia receives media attention

January 5, 2017 — Paul Ferber, a marine conservationist who founded the local NGO Marine Conservation Cambodia (MCC), is the subject of an Associated Press story published in the San Francisco Chronicle.  Titled "British conservationist fights to save... Read more

Forest conservation could make huge contribution in countering climate change: study

December 11, 2015 — As world leaders finalize agreements and commitments at the November 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference, an initial report (see pdf) produced by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wide Fund (WWF) and Climate Advisers and released today highlights the significant potential of targeted forest conservation... Read more

How much room for nature?

August 26, 2015 — Famed Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson calls for setting aside half the world for nature, and cites Area de Conservacion Guanacaste (which ICFC supports) in Costa Rica as an model for integrating local people into protected areas as... Read more

The human asteroid: Sixth mass extinction underway

June 19, 2015 — If there was any doubt about this before, a recent study has provided further evidence that we have entered a period of mass extinction — the sixth in the Earth's history. Gerardo Ceballos, from Universidad... Read more

Protected areas worldwide: a report card

February 15, 2015 — An article soon to be published in Conservation Letters, a journal of the Society for Conservation Biology, takes stock of what countries have actually achieved relative to their commitment to conserve at least 17% of terrestrial and 10% of... Read more

Argentina — Newly declared Patagonia National Park to protect the hooded grebe

December 20, 2014 — Thanks to the work of Aves Argentina and (ICFC partner) Ambiente Sur, a new national park was recently declared that will protect the core breeding population of the Critically Endangered hooded grebe, Podiceps gallardoi, on the Buenos Aires Plateau in Argentina's Santa Cruz province. Field work... Read more

Window on Kayapo life, deep in the Amazon

December 8, 2014 — Few of us will have the opportunity to make the long journey (and get the necessary permits) to visit a remote Kayapo community in the Brazilian Amazon. But PURE Energies, a generous supporter of the Kayapo Conservation Program, has just returned from such a journey. Check out... Read more

Dr. Allan Baker

November 25, 2014 — We at ICFC were deeply saddened by the news of Allan Baker's death on 20 November 2014 at the age of 71. Allan was Senior Curator of Ornithology and head of the Department of Natural History at the Royal Ontario Museum. He was a Fellow of the American Ornithologists'... Read more

Art exhibit of portraits aids Kayapo program

November 15, 2014 — On November 13th, Terrin Art in Toronto held its "Kayapo Guardians of the Rain Forest Exhibition" with ten original paintings by Belgian artist Peter Terrin, from which the gallery is generously donating half the proceeds in support of... Read more

New reserve in western highlands of Guatemala protects threatened amphibians

March 17, 2014 — ICFC is proud to announce the creation of the new Amphibian Conservation Reserve of San Isidro in the Western Highlands of Guatemala!

Together with local partner FUNDAECO, Global Wildlife Conservation, Rainforest Trust, World Land Trust, and the Amphibian Survival Alliance, ICFC supported the acquisition of... Read more

A Kayapo leader’s visit to Toronto

January 28, 2014 — Born into a remote Amazonian tribe with no contact with the outside world, Grand Chief Megaron departed his Amazonian home to brave the winter in North America and meet with partners and supporters who are helping the Kayapo protect their lands. The Kayapo represent a built-in protection... Read more

Kayapo cover story in National Geographic!

December 23, 2013 — ICFC's flagship program receives world attention through a cover story ("Defenders of the Amazon") on the Kayapo in the January 2014 issue of National Geographic. And see the Read more

The Economist Special Report on Biodiversity

September 14, 2013 — In a 16-page special report, The Economist sees an improving outlook for biodiversity in the developed world, and argues the same can be expected from the developing world as continued economic growth reduces poverty and... Read more

WILD10: ICFC at the World Wilderness Congress

October 12, 2013 — ICFC staff gave presentations to hundreds of conservation professionals from around the world this October at the tenth World Wilderness Congress in Salamanca, Spain. Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project, presented on Community Conservation During Rebellion, War, and Global Terrorism, and Barbara Zimmerman, Director of... Read more

Brazil — Kayapo surveillance victory: Goldminers expelled

August 22, 2013 — The northern Kayapo came down hard this summer on illegal gold-mining in their territory. Forty-six warriors with logistical support from their association, ICFC partner Instituto Kabu, left the frontier town of Novo Progresso on July 24th with the objective of expelling goldminers operating in Bau (Kayapo) Indigenous... Read more

Highlights from the BirdLife International World Congress, Ottawa, June 19-22, 2013

July 16, 2013 — Along with conservationists from 122 countries, ICFC attended the BirdLife International (BLI) World Congress in Ottawa recently. Held every five years, the event allows BLI partners (ICFC is not a partner, but some of our field partners are) and other participants an opportunity to compare notes and learn... Read more

New maps identify global conservation priorities

July, 2013 — A chief aim of conservation is prevention of extinctions and, more broadly, the preservation of biological diversity. Because species are very unevenly distributed across landscapes and seascapes, scientists have looked to see where species are concentrated in order to prioritize conservation efforts. A Read more

Mali—Elephant conservation hinders recruitment of young men to armed groups

April, 2013 — Sometimes unintended consequences are positive.

In 2012 the Gourma region in which ICFC and WILD Foundation are working to conserve the "desert elephants of Mali" was beset by Tuareg rebel activity and occupation by armed Islamists. Mali government personnel withdrew. Our project had strong local leadership... Read more

Bruce Babbitt addresses ICFC gathering in Toronto

November 14, 2012 — At a November reception in Toronto, ICFC welcomed as speaker Bruce Babbitt, former U.S. Secretary of the Interior in the Clinton Administration and former governor of Arizona. Mr. Babbitt is an active conservationist and director of ICFC partner Amazon Conservation Association (ACA).

Synopsis of Bruce... Read more

Peru — Reserve becomes more crucial for “uncontacted indigenous people”

March, 2012 — The 146,000-hectare Los Amigos Conservation Concession (LACC) protects a trackless wilderness of diverse old-growth Amazonian forest from the threats of illegal logging, road development and gold mining. Strategically located at the mouth of the Los Amigos River, it also protects a much larger and even more remote... Read more

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