Paul Wawryko Memorial 5k run raised over $25,000 for ICFC

November 2024 — ICFC is honoured to be one of two recipients of proceeds from the Paul Wawryko Memorial 5k run, which was held in Winnipeg Saturday, September 20th. 

Paul worked as a pathologist at the Health Sciences Centre and St. Boniface General Hospital in Winnipeg and was much admired and loved by friends and colleagues.  He was a donor to ICFC, a cause said to be “very dear to Paul’s heart”. Proceeds from the run will also fund a scholarship for the department of Pathology where he worked and won a prestigious teaching award as the educator of the year.  

Our sympathy and commendation go out to run participants and organizers and to all who knew Paul.  And we now hear that the Memorial 5k run for Paul will be an annual event!  And a memorial soccer tournament in his honour is also in the works.

For further info, here is a lovely profile of Paul (that mentions ICFC) in the Winnipeg Free Press.

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