Ripple Africa founders honoured with MBE

U.K., June 14, 2024 — ICFC sends hearty congratulations to the founders of Ripple Africa, Liz and Geoff Furber, on being appointed Members of the Order of the British Empire.

Ripple Africa is ICFC’s field partner in Malawi for the Fish for Tomorrow project. The honour, announced by King Charles on June 14th, is “For services to Education, to Health and to the Environment in Malawi.” 

With Country Director Force Ngwira, Geoff and Liz have built a strong team of 690 Malawian staff and 12,300 volunteers and excellent, effective programs  (see a 3-minute video made in celebration of Ripple Africa’s 20th anniversary).

Congratulations, Geoff and Liz!

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