Our Impact
Our 60+ project areas combined cover 17.5 million hectares and include land acquisition for 13 nature reserves of high conservation value. | |
Our project areas are home to 431 threatened species – and these are just the ones we know about! | |
2.7 million people benefit from ecosystem services (e.g. water, non-timber forest products, risk reduction for landslides etc.) | |
The entire world benefits from climate mitigation and adaptation associated with our projects. | |
ICFC has helped the Kayapo Indigenous people protect 10 million hectares of the Brazilian Amazon with huge benefits for biodiversity and climate. | |
ICFC put in place long-term finance to protect Peru’s first conservation concession (Los Amigos), a diverse old-growth Amazonian forest that indirectly protects a vast reserve for uncontacted indigenous people. | |
ICFC is protecting shorebirds at key stopover and wintering sites in Latin America and is helping to protect the world’s most endangered migratory shorebird—the spoon-billed sandpiper in Asia. | |
ICFC helped establish the Monitoring of the Andean Amazon Project, which uses remote sensing data to detect and make public the precise locations and causes of deforestation, leading to early government intervention. | |
1,410 people are employed or otherwise financially assisted in carrying out conservation activities. | |
7,524 are volunteers & others carrying out project activities or involved in project-led community resource management | |
48,784 people benefit from the development of sustainable livelihoods (e.g. ecotourism, fishing, agroforestry, non-timber forest products such as Brazil nuts, traditional handicrafts, beekeeping) | |
186,480 are engaged through education/outreach or consultation such as community meetings | |
Our partner in Cambodia has developed an effective, inexpensive anti-trawling device that doubles as an artificial reef to safeguard marine protected areas against destructive illegal bottom-trawling. | |
The hooded grebe in Patagonia is no longer declining toward extinction due to our work there. | |
Mali’s “desert elephants” owe their survival to a project of ICFC and WILD Foundation that has benefited humans and elephants over an area of 40,000 sq. km. Remarkably, in a region beset by armed militants, this project has brought striking security benefits. | |
In Lake Malawi, a biodiversity hotspot with about 1000 fish species (most found nowhere else), fish populations are recovering and livelihoods improving. | |
Our project in Sulawesi, Indonesia is responsible for the only population of the Critically Endangered maleo that is increasing. | |
Our project in Bolivia has increased numbers of the Critically Endangered blue-throated macaw and protected the Beni Savanna ecosystem. | |
And much else! See our project pages. |
International Conservation Fund of Canada Copyright © 2009-2024
Registered Canadian charity # 85247 8189 RR0001