Release of Green Budget Coalition 2020 recommendations

November 5, 2019 — The Green Budget Coalition – including ICFC – just released its detailed recommendations for the 2020 federal budget, focused on escalating action to counter climate change and biodiversity loss, plus sustainable agriculture, & toxics and pesticides.  Check them out at: (EN/FR)

The Green Budget Coalition, active since 1999, comprises 22 of Canada’s leading environmental and conservation organizations, representing over one million Canadians, through its members, volunteers and supporters.

The Green Budget Coalition’s members are Bird Studies Canada, Canadian Environmental Law Association, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Canadian Wildlife Federation, David Suzuki Foundation, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Ecojustice Canada, Ecology Action Centre, Environmental Defence, Friends of the Earth Canada, Greenpeace Canada, International Conservation Fund of Canada, International Institute for Sustainable Development, MiningWatch Canada, Nature Canada, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Pembina Institute, Seed Change Canada, Sierra Club Canada Foundation, West Coast Environmental Law Association, Wildlife Habitat Canada, and WWF-Canada.

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