For Prospective Field Partners

ICFC strives to achieve lasting conservation gains, with good value in relation to cost and risk.
We specialize in direct conservation action, rather than research or sustainable development projects. Science is vital for conservation, yet in many cases, conservation action lags behind the science needed to undertake it.
By "direct conservation action" we mean measures that reduce threats to species or ecosystems. We do also support some in-country science capacity building, as this yields a longer term conservation benefit.
We work with local partner NGOs, who carry out project activities through an independent contractor agreement. (Canadian charity regulations prevent us from making grants or donations to foreign organizations.)
Our Project Selection Criteria
Conservation projects or actions must:
- have biodiversity conservation as a primary goal
- provide lasting conservation gains that are ecologically sustainable
- represent good value* in relation to cost and risk
- take human interests into consideration, especially those of local communities, and involve and engage local communities
- not have scientific or other research as a primary purpose
- not be sustainable development projects with conservation as a secondary component.
Conservation projects or actions may:
- involve terrestrial, wetland, freshwater or marine habitats
- include an educational component if that is expected to yield conservation benefits
- involve purchase of land as a nature reserve, provided that (i) legal protections are in place and (ii) there is existing or prospective connectivity over a large enough area to provide for ecological sustainability
- entail providing long-term finance through a conservation trust fund
- involve urgent funding or bridge financing.
* "Good value" in terms of biodiversity, climate and people. Key considerations include: vulnerability (species and ecological communities that are rare or have small ranges, as many do in the tropics); connectivity and ecologial sustainability; species richness/biodiversity; existing threats; and knowing what actions are needed and that they are feasible and cost-effective.
For Prospective Partners
We welcome your interest! However, we wish to advise you that we are not considering new projects at this time as ICFC's funding is fully committed for 2025.
You may nevertheless send an enquiry to For future reference, here is what we look for:
Key information we like to have in a project proposal:
- the problem being addressed and its biodiversity significance
- the proposed solution and goal
- the precise location and description of the project area
- specific project objectives
- planned project actions and timeframe
- expected outcomes (including environmental and social co-benefits) and risks
- an indication of what further actions, if any, will be needed after completion of the project
- budget, and information on any co-finance
- the party carrying out the work and their relevant experience (who can vouch for your work and/or capabilities?)
- any further info useful for evaluation, (e.g. has something like this been done successfully before? does the project entail an important innovation that will be tested out? Are local communities in favour? Are they involved? Might the project spur similar action beyond the project area?)
International Conservation Fund of Canada Copyright © 2009-2025
Registered Canadian charity # 85247 8189 RR0001