Security situation in the DRC

March 9, 2025.

ICFC’s project with Strong Roots is in the province of South Kivu in eastern DRC—a region that has until recently been spared from the conflict wrought by Rwanda-backed rebel groups in North Kivu.  But recently M23 rebel troops have moved into South Kivu and taken control of the city of Bukavu, where our partner Strong Roots has its office.  ICFC and other funding organizations have been discussing the evolving situation with Strong Roots.  Our prime concern is the safety of Strong Roots personnel and their families. The office in Bukavu has been closed for the time being.  The communities involved in our project are in remote areas that have not been directly impacted.  ICFC remains committed to the long-term success of this project, which has established over a half-million hectares of community forests and improved livelihoods and protection and monitoring of wildlife, including the Critically Endangered Grauer’s gorilla. 

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