Peru — Reserve becomes more crucial for “uncontacted indigenous people”

March, 2012 — The 146,000-hectare Los Amigos Conservation Concession (LACC) protects a trackless wilderness of diverse old-growth Amazonian forest from the threats of illegal logging, road development and gold mining. Strategically located at the mouth of the Los Amigos River, it also protects a much larger and even more remote area including a reserve for "indigenous people in voluntary isolation". These tribal people avoid contact with civilization. It was therefore a surprise when one of LACC's guards (supported by ICFC's trust fund for LACC) recently encountered uncontacted indigenous people deep within the Conservation Concession.

This occurrence heightens the importance of LACC in protecting tribal people in voluntary isolation while protecting the highly diverse natural ecosystems of the Peruvian Amazon. ICFC partners Amazon Conservation Association and Asociación para la Conservación de la Cuenca Amazónica are evaluating the development and its ramifications for our operations within LACC.

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