• Protecting rhinos from poaching in South Africa

  • Protecting rhinos from poaching in South Africa

  • photo: Stop Rhino Poaching

    Protecting rhinos from poaching in South Africa

In Brief

Conservation Value:

South Africa is home to about 80 percent of the world’s ~28,000 remaining rhinos. Unfortunately, over the last decade poaching has led to rapid declines in the populations of the two species found in the country, the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis bicornis and D. bicornis minor) and the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Today 93% of the world’s remaining white rhinos and 39% of world’s black rhinos are protected in South Africa. About one quarter of all rhinos are held within private reserves in South Africa.


Poaching of both rhino species is widespread across both state and privately-owned reserves in South Africa. The criminal syndicates that poachers deal with are often involved in other large scale transnational criminal activities that exploit gaps in the national law enforcement and criminal justice systems. In the face of continued protection efforts at reserves, the poaching threat evolves to outmaneuver anti-poaching efforts in protected areas.

Actions & Results:

In 2023, 499 rhinos were killed by poachers for their horns—51 more than in 2022. However, this is a far cry from much higher losses experienced in the past. While a combination of government level strategies, collaborative interventions, and strengthened security efforts in most of the country’s rhino reserves has helped to reduce losses, efforts to mitigate against the threat of poaching remain a 24/7 commitment. ICFC's partner Stop Rhino Poaching (SRP), focuses their efforts on supporting rangers, protecting rhinos, and sustaining security capabilities in selected reserves and security clusters around South Africa. In 2023, strategic projects supporting effective enforcement teams contributed directly to the arrest of 15 suspected poachers, all linked to multiple rhino poaching incidents. ICFC’s support to SRP has further enhanced security efforts with technology deployments, operational readiness training, and tailored workshops for security managers. A big thank you to the Elliott Family Foundation for supporting this work!


To reduce poaching of white and black rhinos in South Africa to advance the long-term survival of these species.

This project is fully funded at present.

(Support is welcome for other projects)


rhino reserves across South Africa

Project Field Partner:

Stop Rhino Poaching

Our Investment to Date:

Cumulative cost to ICFC (2019-2023): CA$549,502
Budget in 2024: US$142,764

This project is funded by the Elliott Family Foundation, to whom we are grateful for making this important work possible.


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white rhinoceros ceratotherium simum (photo: SRP)
white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum (photo: SRP)
white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum (photo: SRP)
rhinos (photo: Margo Welch)

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