In Brief
Conservation Value:
The red panda has been classified as Endangered by the IUCN because its wild population is estimated at less than 10,000 mature individuals and continues to decline. The project area covers nearly 30% of the potential red panda habitat of Nepal. The project also conserves and restores forest and benefits pangolins and other species.
Habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding are all taking a toll on the red panda population in Nepal. This species has poor survival rates in fragmented habitat as they do not readily find new feeding grounds in a highly fragmented landscape and are exposed to other threats when crossing unsuitable habitat. Poaching in Nepal and Myanmar is fuelled by Chinese demand for the species as wild meat, for medicine and for skins. The smaller local populations of Nepal can support little or no off-take. A growing human population in the Himalayas means more people are moving into red panda habitat to pursue their livelihoods.
Actions & Results:
We began supporting work in the eastern part of the country and are now forcusing on western Nepal.
- Establishing stewardship amongs key stakeholders within the local communities to ensure the long-term conservation of this red panda population.
- Setting up long-term community based monitoring and anti-poaching initiatives in 40 community forests.
- Collecting scientific information on red panda distribution, abundance, habitats, and existing and emerging threats and identifying conservation hotspots for this species.
To conserve red panda populations and their forest habitat by restoring degraded watersheds and promoting red panda stewardship among communities in Nepal.
Support this projectLocation:
Kangchenjunga Singhalila Complex in eastern Nepal and three protected areas in western Nepal.
Size of Area Involved:
261,600 hectares (2,616 km2)
Project Field Partner:
Red Panda Network in Nepal
Our Investment to Date:
2022-2024 (three-year) budget (ICFC portion): US$129,050
Budget in 2024: US$50,526
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The Forgotten Panda
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