In Brief
Conservation Value:
The Farankaraina Forest, located on Antongil Bay in NE Madagascar, comprises 3,000 ha (including ~1,000 ha of primary rainforest) and extends inland from the ocean to an interior elevation of 410 MASL. The forest is situated within proximity to Makira Natural Park (the largest protected area in Madagascar) and Masoala National Park (the largest National Park of Madagascar). It is estimated that the Antongil Bay area contains 50% of Madagascar’s biodiversity while covering only 2% of its surface area. The region is also home to the highest diversity of Madagascar’s emblematic lemur species and more than half of all the known endemic species in the island, including the Endangered aye-aye and the Critically Endangered red-ruffed lemur.
The Farankaraina Forest and other forests in NE Madagascar experience a lot of pressure due to increasing population and poverty. There are eight communities with an estimated total population of 20,000 people living around the Farankaraina Forest. The main threats to the reserve are the growing demands for land for subsistence farming (slash-and-burn agricultural practices), illegal logging for charcoal and precious woods (e.g., Madagascar rosewood), unsustainable collection of non-timber resources (e.g., honey, wax, tubers, bark, and medicinal plants), some artisanal mining, and poaching.
Actions & Results:
In 2023, patrol coordination between Fandroakando’s rangers and the VOI has led to improved cooperation and coverage of the Farankaraina Forest, thanks to monthly planning meetings. In addition, all the patrollers are now using the 'Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool' (SMART) software to collect data, improve patrols and focus on the areas under most pressure. Forest reforestation activities were limited to managing tree seedlings, which included two weeding campaigns that employed a total of 60 VOI for 4 days during each campaign. The Aye-Aye Environment Club (AEC) now has over 100 student members. They hold weekly meetings where they practice English and learn more about various conservation topics. They also host a weekly radio program that is very popular and provides excellent visibility for the AEC and Fandroakando. Overall, Fandroakando’s presence in this area has been instrumental in bringing a singular focus on conservation for the Farankaraina Forest.
Protect the Farankaraina Forest and its wildlife and restore degraded areas within it.
Support this projectLocation:
Antongil Bay in northeastern Madagascar
Size of Area Involved:
3,000 hectares
Project Field Partner:
Our Investment to Date:
Cumulative cost (2021-2023): CA$366,486
Budget in 2024 (ICFC portion): US$47,682
Thanks to Re:wild for co-funding this project.
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