Direct conservation action …

where nature needs us most

Featured Project:

Saving Sulawesi's imperiled wildlife

Our project has achieved the world's healthiest population of the Critically Endangered maleo bird, which is increasing at three sites, thanks to the efforts of ICFC's field partner, the Alliance for Tompotika Conservation. >> More on this project


ICFC works with local conservation organizations and communities in more than 30 countries.

Our Projects

global impact

Our Global Impact


hectares covered by our projects

(an area the size of Uruguay)

5.5B tonnes

CO2 equivalent stored

(more than the annual emissions of 1 billion cars)


threatened species protected

(just the ones we know of)

ICFC spending on programs: 93% More on our impact

The need

Tropical nature has astonishing biodiversity—the Amazon alone is home to 7,000 tree species and a single rainforest reserve in Peru has more bird species than the entire United States. Tropical forests are crucial for addressing climate change, and they generate rainfall and supply water for agriculture and other human needs. Coastal ecosystems prevent storm damage and are vital to fisheries. Canada's migratory species depend on tropical wintering areas. Yet tropical ecosystems are being lost and degraded—95% of deforestation is happening in the tropics.

Our work

ICFC finds opportunities for outstanding conservation returns and partners with capable local conservation organizations. Our field partners know best what needs doing and how to go about it. They excel at engaging local communities and government relations. Our work is science based, and the collective experience of our staff adds value.

the need

Together we are making a lasting difference!

Join us!

100% of your donation will be applied to projects

(core donors cover overhead)

International Conservation Fund of Canada Copyright © 2009-2025

Registered Canadian charity # 85247 8189 RR0001